Notices eProcurement System for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
Tender Related
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
1. Can International firm upload their proposals on Indian e-procurement portal with DSC which is not issued by Indian CA ? ?

As per the IT ACT, this eprocurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by CAs other than Indian CAs. However, Some of our Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners without visiting India. The details of which are already made available under the Downloads link of this portal.
2. Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e. any country outside India ? ?

No. The same is not allowed to be registered in this portal.
3. Can International consultant (outside India) get DSC on line without physically visiting India ? ?

Yes. Kindly refer to the link DSC for foreign Bidders under the Dowloads Option which is available in the Home Page. Following the procedure given, the Foreign Bidder / Consultant can get the Indian DSC issued and participate in this eProcurement portal without visiting India.
4. I am a bidder residing out of India and I do not have representatives / office located within India. How do I indicate the PAN/TAN no in this Portal ? ?

The PAN / TAN is a mandatory field. As foreign bidders need not possess a PAN /TAN they may enter the dummy value TEMPZ9999Z as a PAN number and continue the process. This will be applicable exclusively for foreign bidders or specially exempted sector. For clarity sake, the detail given in the enrollment form is reproduced below: For Bidders who do not have PAN/TAN number may enter TEMPZ9999Z as the PAN/TAN number.
5. I am using Windows OS. I am unable to upload more than one file in the Bid Document. What changes in settings are to be done in my local client for this to work ? ?

1. Go to Control Panel
2. Choose the Icon - Region and Language and set the Format as English (United States)
3. Choose the Tab - Location and set the Current Location as India
4. Choose the Tab - Keyboards and Languages and Click
5. Set the Default input language as English (United States-US)
6. Ensure that in Installed services section English (United States-US) keyboard is listed in first place. Use Move Up/Move Down button to manure the order.
Note: After completing the bid submission process the bidder can either revoke the above setting or use the language selection in Task bar to switch between languages.
6. As a foreign bidder, I am quoting the rates as per my currency which is approved by the Tender Inviting Authority. At what point of time, this Currency value is converted into Indian Rupees (INR) ? ?

It is usual practice that the value of conversion is normally done on the day of Financial Bid Opening based on the selling rate as on that date. However, the same information may be given in the Tender Notice document. The details given in the tender notice as specified by the Tender Inviting Authority will be the final.
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
Visitor No:1939199
Contents owned and maintained by respective SRRDA Units in coordination with National Rural Roads Development Agency, Ministry of Rural Development.